How to use "lui" in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

The French pronoun "lui" is an essential part of the language, often causing confusion for learners. Let's explore its usage and provide some helpful examples.

What is "lui" in French?

"Lui" is an indirect object pronoun in French. It's used to replace an indirect object in a sentence, typically answering the question "to whom?" or "for whom?"

When to use "lui"

"Lui" is used to replace a singular masculine or feminine indirect object. It can refer to both people and things.


  • Je parle à Pierre. → Je lui parle. (I'm talking to Pierre. → I'm talking to him.)
  • Je donne un livre à Marie. → Je lui donne un livre. (I'm giving a book to Marie. → I'm giving her a book.)

Position in sentences

"Lui" is usually placed before the verb in simple tenses:

  • Je lui téléphone tous les jours. (I call him/her every day.)

In compound tenses, it goes before the auxiliary verb:

  • Je lui ai envoyé un message. (I sent him/her a message.)

Common mistakes to avoid

  1. Don't confuse "lui" (indirect object) with "le/la" (direct object):

    • Je le vois. (I see him. - direct object)
    • Je lui parle. (I talk to him. - indirect object)
  2. Remember that "lui" can refer to both masculine and feminine:

    • Je lui ai dit. (I told him/her.)

Practice exercises

Try replacing the underlined parts with "lui":

  1. Je donne un cadeau à mon frère.
  2. Elle écrit une lettre à sa mère.

By mastering the use of "lui," you'll be able to express yourself more naturally and efficiently in French conversations.

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