How to use "on" in French chats

Updated on 2024-08-21

The French pronoun "on" is a versatile and frequently used word that can be challenging for English speakers to grasp. Let's explore its various uses and how to incorporate it into your French conversations.

General Usage

"On" is typically used as an indefinite pronoun, similar to "one" or "we" in English. It's always singular and takes the same verb conjugation as "il" (he) or "elle" (she).


  • On parle français ici. (One speaks French here. / We speak French here.)

Replacing "Nous"

In casual speech, "on" often replaces "nous" (we). This usage is extremely common in everyday French.


  • Formal: Nous allons au cinéma.
  • Casual: On va au cinéma. (We're going to the movies.)

Impersonal Expressions

"On" is used in impersonal expressions to convey general statements or common knowledge.


  • On dit que le français est une belle langue. (It is said that French is a beautiful language.)

Passive Voice Alternative

French speakers often use "on" to avoid the passive voice, making sentences more active and direct.


  • Passive: Le musée a été fermé.
  • Active with "on": On a fermé le musée. (They closed the museum.)

Remember, context is key when interpreting "on" in French. Pay attention to the situation to understand whether it means "we," "people in general," or "someone."

By mastering the use of "on," you'll sound more natural in your French conversations and have a valuable tool for expressing yourself in various contexts.

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