How to use "se" with "elle" in French

Updated on 2024-08-26

The combination of "se" with "elle" in French often puzzles learners. This article will clarify when and how to use these pronouns together, providing you with the knowledge to construct grammatically correct French sentences.

Understanding "se" in French

"Se" is a reflexive pronoun used with reflexive verbs. It indicates that the subject of the sentence is performing an action on itself.

When to Use "se" with "elle"

"Se" is used with "elle" when:

  1. The subject (elle) is performing an action on herself
  2. The verb is reflexive

Examples of "se" with "elle"

Here are eight examples to illustrate the usage:

  1. Elle se lave. (She washes herself.)
  2. Elle se regarde dans le miroir. (She looks at herself in the mirror.)
  3. Elle s'habille. (She dresses herself.)
  4. Elle se maquille. (She puts on makeup.)
  5. Elle se repose. (She rests herself.)
  6. Elle se promène. (She takes herself for a walk.)
  7. Elle s'amuse. (She enjoys herself.)
  8. Elle se couche tôt. (She puts herself to bed early.)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don't omit "se" with reflexive verbs. Incorrect: Elle lave. Correct: Elle se lave.

  2. Don't use "se" with non-reflexive verbs. Incorrect: Elle se mange une pomme. Correct: Elle mange une pomme.

Position of "se" in Sentences

"Se" typically comes before the verb:

  • Elle se lave tous les jours. (She washes herself every day.)

In compound tenses, "se" comes before the auxiliary verb:

  • Elle s'est lavée. (She washed herself.)

"Se" with Other Pronouns

Remember, "se" changes form with different pronouns:

  • Je me lave (I wash myself)
  • Tu te laves (You wash yourself)
  • Il/Elle/On se lave (He/She/One washes oneself)
  • Nous nous lavons (We wash ourselves)
  • Vous vous lavez (You wash yourselves)
  • Ils/Elles se lavent (They wash themselves)


Understanding how to use "se" with "elle" is crucial for expressing reflexive actions in French. Practice with the examples provided, and you'll soon find it becoming second nature in your French conversations.

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