How to Use the Pronoun "Se" in French

Updated on 2024-08-17

The reflexive pronoun "se" is a crucial element in French grammar, often causing confusion for learners. This guide will help you understand its usage and provide practical examples.

What is "Se" in French?

"Se" is a reflexive pronoun used with reflexive verbs. It indicates that the subject of the sentence is performing an action on itself.

When to Use "Se"

Reflexive Actions

Use "se" when the subject performs an action on itself:

  • Je me lave. (I wash myself.)
  • Elle s'habille. (She dresses herself.)

Daily Routines

Many daily activities use reflexive verbs:

  • Il se réveille à 7h. (He wakes up at 7 AM.)
  • Nous nous couchons tôt. (We go to bed early.)

Reciprocal Actions

"Se" can indicate actions that people do to each other:

  • Ils s'embrassent. (They kiss each other.)
  • Nous nous téléphonons souvent. (We often call each other.)

Conjugation with "Se"

The pronoun changes based on the subject:

  • Je me...
  • Tu te...
  • Il/Elle/On se...
  • Nous nous...
  • Vous vous...
  • Ils/Elles se...


  • Je me brosse les dents. (I brush my teeth.)
  • Vous vous préparez pour la fête. (You prepare yourselves for the party.)

Common Reflexive Verbs

  • Se laver (to wash oneself)
  • S'habiller (to dress oneself)
  • Se réveiller (to wake up)
  • Se coucher (to go to bed)
  • S'amuser (to have fun)

Remember, many verbs can be both reflexive and non-reflexive, changing meaning slightly:

  • Je lave la voiture. (I wash the car.)
  • Je me lave. (I wash myself.)

Understanding "se" is key to mastering French reflexive verbs. Practice with everyday situations to become more comfortable with its usage.

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