How to Use "Vais" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

"Vais" is the first-person singular form of the irregular French verb "aller" (to go) in the present tense. Understanding how to use "vais" correctly is essential for expressing future actions and intentions in French.

Basic Usage

"Vais" is used to say "I go" or "I am going" in French. It's often combined with an infinitive verb to express near-future actions.


  • Je vais au cinéma. (I'm going to the cinema.)
  • Je vais manger. (I'm going to eat.)

Futur Proche

"Vais" is a key component of the futur proche (near future) tense in French. To form this tense, use "vais" followed by an infinitive verb.


  • Je vais étudier ce soir. (I'm going to study tonight.)
  • Je vais voyager en France l'année prochaine. (I'm going to travel to France next year.)

Common Expressions

Some common expressions use "vais":

  • Je vais bien. (I'm doing well.)
  • Comment vais-je faire ? (How am I going to do this?)
  • Je vais y réfléchir. (I'm going to think about it.)

Negative Form

To form the negative, place "ne" before "vais" and "pas" after:

  • Je ne vais pas travailler demain. (I'm not going to work tomorrow.)

Remember, "vais" is only used for the first-person singular (je). For other subjects, you'll use different forms of "aller".

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