How to Use "Venir de" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French expression "venir de" is a useful construction for talking about actions that have just happened. It's equivalent to the English phrase "to have just done something." Let's explore how to use this expression correctly in your French conversations.


To form this expression, use the following structure:

venir (conjugated) + de + infinitive

The verb "venir" is conjugated according to the subject, while the main action remains in the infinitive form.

Usage Examples

Here are some examples to illustrate how "venir de" is used in context:

  • Je viens de manger. (I have just eaten.)
  • Elle vient d'arriver. (She has just arrived.)
  • Nous venons de finir notre travail. (We have just finished our work.)

Tense Limitations

It's important to note that "venir de" is typically used only in the present and imperfect tenses:

  • Present: Je viens de lire ce livre. (I have just read this book.)
  • Imperfect: Je venais de sortir quand il a commencé à pleuvoir. (I had just gone out when it started to rain.)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don't use "venir de" with specific time expressions: Incorrect: Je viens de manger il y a une heure. Correct: J'ai mangé il y a une heure. (I ate an hour ago.)

  2. Remember to use "de" before vowels: Je viens d'acheter un nouveau téléphone. (I have just bought a new phone.)

Practice Sentences

Try translating these sentences to practice using "venir de":

  1. We have just arrived at the airport.
  2. She has just finished her homework.
  3. They have just left the office.

Using "venir de" correctly will add nuance to your French and help you express recent past actions more naturally. Practice this construction to enhance your French language skills.

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