Is "beau" irregular in French?

Updated on 2024-08-26

French learners often stumble upon irregular adjectives, and "beau" (beautiful) is one that frequently causes confusion. Let's unravel the peculiarities of this common yet tricky adjective.

The Basic Forms of "Beau"

"Beau" is indeed irregular, changing its form based on gender and number, and sometimes its position in a sentence. Here are its basic forms:

  • Masculine singular: beau
  • Feminine singular: belle
  • Masculine plural: beaux
  • Feminine plural: belles

Special Rules for "Beau"

Before Vowels or Silent H

When "beau" precedes a masculine singular noun starting with a vowel or silent H, it changes to "bel". This is for easier pronunciation:

  1. Un bel arbre (A beautiful tree)
  2. Un bel homme (A handsome man)
  3. Un bel appartement (A beautiful apartment)
  4. Un bel endroit (A beautiful place)
  5. Un bel esprit (A beautiful mind)
  6. Un bel été (A beautiful summer)
  7. Un bel hôtel (A beautiful hotel)
  8. Un bel avenir (A beautiful future)

Regular Usage

In other cases, "beau" follows standard adjective rules:

  1. Un beau jardin (A beautiful garden)
  2. Une belle maison (A beautiful house)
  3. De beaux paysages (Beautiful landscapes)
  4. De belles fleurs (Beautiful flowers)

Position in Sentences

"Beau" is typically placed before the noun it modifies, unlike many French adjectives:

  1. C'est un beau chat. (It's a beautiful cat.)
  2. J'ai acheté de belles chaussures. (I bought beautiful shoes.)

However, it can sometimes appear after the noun for emphasis or in certain expressions:

  1. Un spectacle beau à couper le souffle. (A breathtakingly beautiful show.)
  2. L'art du beau. (The art of beauty.)

Common Expressions with "Beau"

  1. Il fait beau. (The weather is nice.)
  2. Le beau monde (High society)
  3. Un beau jour (One fine day)
  4. De plus belle (With renewed vigor)
  5. Avoir beau + infinitive (To do something in vain)
  6. Le beau sexe (The fair sex - old-fashioned term for women)
  7. Beau parleur (Smooth talker)
  8. Beau-père, belle-mère (Father-in-law, mother-in-law)

Comparative and Superlative Forms

The comparative and superlative forms of "beau" are irregular:

  • Comparative: plus beau/belle (more beautiful)
  • Superlative: le plus beau/la plus belle (the most beautiful)


  1. Cette robe est plus belle que l'autre. (This dress is more beautiful than the other one.)
  2. C'est le plus beau jour de ma vie. (It's the most beautiful day of my life.)

Related Words

"Beau" has several related words and variations:

  1. Beauté (noun) - beauty
  2. Embellir (verb) - to beautify
  3. Bellement (adverb) - beautifully (rare usage)
  4. Beauf (slang) - tacky, vulgar

Remember, mastering irregular adjectives like "beau" takes practice. Pay attention to its usage in various contexts, and soon you'll be using it as naturally as native speakers do.

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