Is "de" masculine or feminine in French?

Updated on 2024-08-19

"De" is one of the most common words in French, but it often confuses learners who are trying to determine its gender. The truth is, "de" itself doesn't have a gender. It's a preposition that can be used in various contexts, and its form can change depending on what follows it.

The Role of "De" in French

"De" serves several functions in French:

  1. It can mean "of" or "from"
  2. It's used to indicate possession
  3. It forms part of many expressions

Why "De" Doesn't Have a Gender

Unlike nouns or adjectives in French, prepositions like "de" don't have a gender. However, "de" can combine with definite articles to form contracted forms that do reflect gender and number:

  • de + le = du (masculine singular)
  • de + la = de la (feminine singular)
  • de + l' = de l' (before a vowel sound)
  • de + les = des (plural)

Examples of "De" in Use

Let's look at some examples to clarify:

  1. Je viens de Paris. (I come from Paris.)
  2. Le livre de Marie. (Marie's book.)
  3. Une tasse de café. (A cup of coffee.)
  4. Je parle du film. (I'm talking about the movie.) - Here, "du" is the contraction of "de" + "le"

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Many learners mistakenly try to assign a gender to "de" itself. Remember, "de" changes form based on what follows it, not because it has an inherent gender.

Understanding the flexible nature of "de" in French will help you use it correctly in various contexts. Practice with different phrases and pay attention to how it's used in combination with articles to master this essential element of French grammar.

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