Is "le" masculine or feminine in French?

Updated on 2024-08-26

French learners often grapple with the concept of grammatical gender, especially when it comes to articles. One common question is about the gender of "le" in French. Let's clear this up and provide some practical examples to help you use it correctly.

The Gender of "Le"

"Le" is the masculine singular definite article in French. It's used before masculine nouns and is equivalent to "the" in English.

Using "Le" Correctly

To use "le" properly, you need to know the gender of the noun it precedes. Here are some examples:

  1. Le livre (the book)
  2. Le chat (the cat)
  3. Le stylo (the pen)
  4. Le téléphone (the phone)
  5. Le restaurant (the restaurant)
  6. Le musée (the museum)
  7. Le jardin (the garden)
  8. Le soleil (the sun)

Feminine Counterpart

The feminine counterpart to "le" is "la". For example:

  • La maison (the house)
  • La voiture (the car)

Plural Form

For plural nouns, regardless of gender, use "les":

  • Les livres (the books)
  • Les maisons (the houses)

Contraction with Vowels

When "le" is followed by a word starting with a vowel or silent h, it changes to "l'":

  • L'arbre (the tree)
  • L'hôtel (the hotel)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using "le" with feminine nouns
  2. Forgetting to contract before vowels
  3. Using "le" for plural nouns

Practice Exercises

Try determining whether to use "le", "la", or "l'" in these sentences:

  1. ___ soleil brille. (The sun shines.)
  2. J'aime ___ musique. (I love music.)
  3. ___ homme est grand. (The man is tall.)
  4. ___ fille joue au parc. (The girl plays in the park.)

Answers: 1. Le, 2. La, 3. L', 4. La


Understanding when to use "le" is crucial for speaking French correctly. Remember, "le" is always masculine and singular. With practice, identifying the gender of French nouns will become second nature, making your use of articles more accurate and your French more fluent.

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