"leçon" masculine or feminine in French?

Updated on 2024-08-26

Many French learners often wonder about the gender of words, especially those that don't follow obvious patterns. "Leçon" is one such word that can cause confusion. Let's clear this up and explore its usage in French.

The Gender of "Leçon"

"Leçon" is a feminine noun in French. This means you should use feminine articles and adjectives with it:

  • La leçon (the lesson)
  • Une leçon (a lesson)
  • Cette leçon (this lesson)
  • Ma leçon (my lesson)

Usage and Examples

Understanding how to use "leçon" correctly is crucial for effective communication in French. Here are eight examples to illustrate its usage:

  1. J'ai une leçon de français aujourd'hui. (I have a French lesson today.)
  2. La leçon était difficile. (The lesson was difficult.)
  3. Quelle est la leçon du jour ? (What is today's lesson?)
  4. Il a bien appris sa leçon. (He learned his lesson well.)
  5. La professeure donne une leçon intéressante. (The teacher gives an interesting lesson.)
  6. Nous avons manqué la première leçon. (We missed the first lesson.)
  7. Cette leçon est importante pour l'examen. (This lesson is important for the exam.)
  8. As-tu révisé ta leçon d'histoire ? (Have you reviewed your history lesson?)

Common Phrases with "Leçon"

"Leçon" appears in several idiomatic expressions in French. Here are some you might encounter:

  • Donner une leçon à quelqu'un (To teach someone a lesson)
  • Tirer une leçon de quelque chose (To learn a lesson from something)
  • Faire la leçon à quelqu'un (To lecture someone)
  • Recevoir une bonne leçon (To get a good lesson/to be taught a lesson)

Other School-Related Feminine Nouns

To help you remember that "leçon" is feminine, here are other school-related nouns that are also feminine:

  • La classe (the class)
  • L'école (the school)
  • La matière (the subject)
  • La récréation (recess)
  • La bibliothèque (the library)
  • L'université (the university)
  • La copie (the copy/exam paper)
  • La note (the grade)


Remember, "leçon" is always feminine in French. Using it correctly will improve your French language skills and help you sound more natural when speaking about your studies or experiences. Practice using "leçon" in sentences, and you'll soon find it becomes second nature to use the correct gender.

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