Making Social Plans in French: A Complete Guide to Invitations

Updated on 2024-12-14

Types of Invitations

Casual Invites

  1. "On va prendre un verre?" (Shall we go for a drink?)

    • Perfect for spontaneous plans
    • Common among friends
  2. "Tu veux sortir ce soir?" (Do you want to go out tonight?)

    • Direct and friendly
    • Used for same-day plans

Formal Invitations

  1. "Je vous invite à..." (I invite you to...)

    • Used for special occasions
    • More formal events
  2. "Nous serions ravis de vous avoir..." (We would be delighted to have you...)

    • Very polite form
    • Perfect for formal dinner invites

Planning Steps

Initial Proposal

  1. Starting the Conversation:

    • "J'organise..." (I'm organizing...)
    • "Je pensais faire..." (I was thinking of doing...)
  2. Checking Interest:

    • "Ça t'intéresse?" (Are you interested?)
    • "Tu voudrais venir?" (Would you like to come?)

Time Expressions for Plans

Near Future

  1. "Ce soir" (Tonight)

    • Most immediate plans
    • Example: "On se voit ce soir?" (Shall we see each other tonight?)
  2. "Cette semaine" (This week)

    • Short-term planning
    • Often used with specific days

Distant Future

  1. "Le mois prochain" (Next month)

    • Longer-term plans
    • Used for bigger events
  2. "Dans deux semaines" (In two weeks)

    • Medium-term planning
    • Good for advance arrangements

Following Up

Confirmation Messages

  1. "C'est toujours bon pour..." (Are we still good for...)

    • Used day before
    • Polite confirmation
  2. "On maintient..." (Are we keeping...)

    • Casual check-in
    • Used among friends

Cultural Notes

Timing Customs

  1. Dinner invites:

    • Usually around 20h (8 PM)
    • Bring wine or dessert
  2. Café meetings:

    • Common throughout day
    • Often longer than in other countries

Example Conversations

Planning a Birthday Party

You: "J'organise une fête pour mon anniversaire samedi prochain" (I'm organizing a party for my birthday next Saturday) Friend: "Super! C'est à quelle heure?" (Great! What time is it?) You: "À partir de 19h" (Starting from 7 PM) Friend: "Je peux apporter quelque chose?" (Can I bring something?)

Organizing a Group Outing

You: "Ça vous dit d'aller au restaurant jeudi?" (How about going to the restaurant Thursday?) Friend 1: "Jeudi midi ou soir?" (Thursday lunch or dinner?) You: "Le soir, vers 19h30?" (Evening, around 7:30 PM?) Friend 2: "Je dois vérifier mon emploi du temps" (I need to check my schedule)

Tips for Success

  1. Propose specific times and places
  2. Confirm plans day before
  3. Be clear about format (casual/formal)
  4. Include all necessary details upfront

French social plans often require more precision and confirmation than their English counterparts. Being specific and following up are key parts of French social etiquette.

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