Making Social Plans in French: A Complete Guide to Invitations
Types of Invitations
Casual Invites
"On va prendre un verre?" (Shall we go for a drink?)
- Perfect for spontaneous plans
- Common among friends
"Tu veux sortir ce soir?" (Do you want to go out tonight?)
- Direct and friendly
- Used for same-day plans
Formal Invitations
"Je vous invite à..." (I invite you to...)
- Used for special occasions
- More formal events
"Nous serions ravis de vous avoir..." (We would be delighted to have you...)
- Very polite form
- Perfect for formal dinner invites
Planning Steps
Initial Proposal
Starting the Conversation:
- "J'organise..." (I'm organizing...)
- "Je pensais faire..." (I was thinking of doing...)
Checking Interest:
- "Ça t'intéresse?" (Are you interested?)
- "Tu voudrais venir?" (Would you like to come?)
Time Expressions for Plans
Near Future
"Ce soir" (Tonight)
- Most immediate plans
- Example: "On se voit ce soir?" (Shall we see each other tonight?)
"Cette semaine" (This week)
- Short-term planning
- Often used with specific days
Distant Future
"Le mois prochain" (Next month)
- Longer-term plans
- Used for bigger events
"Dans deux semaines" (In two weeks)
- Medium-term planning
- Good for advance arrangements
Following Up
Confirmation Messages
"C'est toujours bon pour..." (Are we still good for...)
- Used day before
- Polite confirmation
"On maintient..." (Are we keeping...)
- Casual check-in
- Used among friends
Cultural Notes
Timing Customs
Dinner invites:
- Usually around 20h (8 PM)
- Bring wine or dessert
Café meetings:
- Common throughout day
- Often longer than in other countries
Example Conversations
Planning a Birthday Party
You: "J'organise une fête pour mon anniversaire samedi prochain" (I'm organizing a party for my birthday next Saturday) Friend: "Super! C'est à quelle heure?" (Great! What time is it?) You: "À partir de 19h" (Starting from 7 PM) Friend: "Je peux apporter quelque chose?" (Can I bring something?)
Organizing a Group Outing
You: "Ça vous dit d'aller au restaurant jeudi?" (How about going to the restaurant Thursday?) Friend 1: "Jeudi midi ou soir?" (Thursday lunch or dinner?) You: "Le soir, vers 19h30?" (Evening, around 7:30 PM?) Friend 2: "Je dois vérifier mon emploi du temps" (I need to check my schedule)
Tips for Success
- Propose specific times and places
- Confirm plans day before
- Be clear about format (casual/formal)
- Include all necessary details upfront
French social plans often require more precision and confirmation than their English counterparts. Being specific and following up are key parts of French social etiquette.