Parmi vs. Entre: A French Learner's Guide to Expressing Relationships

Updated on 2024-08-26

Understanding the subtle distinctions between "parmi" and "entre" is crucial for expressing relationships accurately in French.

These prepositions, while similar, have specific uses that can significantly change the meaning of your sentences.

Let's break down their usage, provide practical examples, and offer tips to help you choose the right preposition every time.

The Basic Difference

"Entre" generally means "between" or "among" when referring to two or a small, definite number of items or people. "Parmi" translates to "among" when discussing a larger or indefinite group.

Using "Entre"

When to Use "Entre"

Use "entre" in the following situations:

  1. To express a position or relationship between two things or people.
  2. When referring to a choice between two options.
  3. To indicate a time period between two points.
  4. When discussing a shared characteristic or action among a small, defined group.

Examples of "Entre" in Action

  1. Il y a une rivalité entre les deux équipes. (There's a rivalry between the two teams.)
  2. Choisis entre le rouge et le bleu. (Choose between red and blue.)
  3. Le rendez-vous est prévu entre midi et 14h. (The appointment is scheduled between noon and 2 PM.)
  4. Entre nous, je pense que c'est une mauvaise idée. (Between us, I think it's a bad idea.)
  5. La distance entre Paris et Lyon est de 465 km. (The distance between Paris and Lyon is 465 km.)
  6. Il faut maintenir une distance entre les voitures. (You must maintain a distance between cars.)
  7. Entre ces trois options, laquelle préférez-vous ? (Among these three options, which do you prefer?)
  8. Le débat s'est déroulé entre les quatre candidats. (The debate took place among the four candidates.)
  9. Répartissez le travail entre vous trois. (Divide the work among the three of you.)
  10. Entre frères et sœurs, il y a souvent des disputes. (Among brothers and sisters, there are often arguments.)

Using "Parmi"

When to Use "Parmi"

Use "parmi" in these contexts:

  1. To indicate selection from a larger group.
  2. When referring to being part of a crowd or larger entity.
  3. To express "one of" in relation to a group.
  4. When the exact number in the group is unknown or irrelevant.

Examples of "Parmi" in Action

  1. Il est le plus intelligent parmi ses camarades de classe. (He's the smartest among his classmates.)
  2. J'ai trouvé cette perle parmi les coquillages sur la plage. (I found this pearl among the shells on the beach.)
  3. Parmi tous les livres de la bibliothèque, celui-ci est mon préféré. (Among all the books in the library, this one is my favorite.)
  4. Elle est connue parmi les experts en art moderne. (She is known among modern art experts.)
  5. Parmi les participants, trois ont gagné des prix. (Among the participants, three won prizes.)
  6. Il se sentait perdu parmi la foule. (He felt lost among the crowd.)
  7. Choisissez un numéro parmi ceux affichés. (Choose a number from those displayed.)
  8. Parmi les nombreuses options, laquelle vous plaît le plus ? (Among the many options, which one do you like the most?)
  9. Cette espèce est rare parmi la faune locale. (This species is rare among the local fauna.)
  10. Il y a plusieurs bons restaurants parmi les choix proposés. (There are several good restaurants among the proposed choices.)

Decision Tree for Choosing Between "Parmi" and "Entre"

To help you decide which preposition to use, consider the following questions:

  1. Are you referring to exactly two items or people?

    • If yes, use "entre"
    • If no, continue to the next question
  2. Is the group small and defined (3-4 items or people)?

    • If yes, you can use "entre" or "parmi" (preference for "entre")
    • If no, continue to the next question
  3. Is the group large or indefinite?

    • If yes, use "parmi"
    • If no, reassess the context

Regional Variations

While the basic rules for "parmi" and "entre" are consistent across French-speaking regions, some subtle differences in usage may occur:

  1. In Quebec French, "parmi" might be used more frequently in casual speech where European French might prefer "entre" for small groups.

  2. In some African French-speaking countries, the distinction between "parmi" and "entre" might be less strictly observed in colloquial speech.

  3. In Swiss French, usage generally aligns with standard French, but local dialects might show slight variations.

Practice Exercises

Test your understanding with these exercises:

  1. Complete the sentence: "______ toutes les fleurs du jardin, les roses sont mes préférées."
  2. Choose the correct preposition: "Il y a une tension ______ les deux pays."
  3. Fill in the blank: "______ les étudiants de la classe, cinq ont obtenu une note parfaite."
  4. Select the appropriate word: "Le traité a été signé ______ la France et l'Allemagne."
  5. Decide which to use: "______ les nombreux candidats, trois ont été sélectionnés pour l'entretien final."


Mastering the use of "parmi" and "entre" will greatly enhance your ability to express relationships and make comparisons in French. Remember, "entre" is typically for smaller, defined groups or pairs, while "parmi" is used for larger or indefinite groups. Practice regularly, and soon you'll be using these prepositions with confidence!

Answer Key

  1. Parmi
  2. Entre
  3. Parmi
  4. Entre
  5. Parmi


  1. "Parmi" is used because we're selecting from all the flowers in the garden, a large group.
  2. "Entre" is correct as it's referring to a relationship between two countries.
  3. "Parmi" is appropriate here as we're talking about a selection from the entire class, likely a large group.
  4. "Entre" is used because the treaty is signed between two specific countries.
  5. "Parmi" is the right choice as we're selecting from "numerous candidates," indicating a large group.

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