Passe Compose vs Imparfait: When to Use Each

Updated on 2024-08-17

The passé composé and imparfait are two past tenses in French that often confuse learners. Understanding when to use each is crucial for effective communication. Let's explore their differences and typical uses.

Passé Composé

The passé composé is used for:

  • Completed actions in the past
  • Actions with a definite beginning and end
  • A series of actions that occurred one after another

Example: "J'ai mangé une pomme." (I ate an apple.)


The imparfait is used for:

  • Ongoing or repeated actions in the past
  • Describing states of being or emotions in the past
  • Setting the scene or providing background information

Example: "Il pleuvait quand je suis sorti." (It was raining when I went out.)

Key Differences


  • Passé composé: Emphasizes the completion of an action
  • Imparfait: Focuses on the duration or repetition of an action


  • Passé composé: Often used for main events in a story
  • Imparfait: Used for background information or setting the scene

Examples in Context

  1. "Je lisais un livre quand mon ami m'a appelé." (I was reading a book when my friend called me.)

    • "Lisais" is in imparfait (ongoing action)
    • "A appelé" is in passé composé (completed action)
  2. "Quand j'étais jeune, j'allais souvent à la plage. Un jour, j'ai rencontré mon meilleur ami là-bas." (When I was young, I often went to the beach. One day, I met my best friend there.)

    • "Étais" and "allais" are in imparfait (habitual actions)
    • "Ai rencontré" is in passé composé (specific, completed action)

Understanding these differences will help you choose the right tense and express yourself more accurately in French.

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