The Chameleon of French Grammar: Demystifying "de"

Updated on 2024-08-26

"De" in French is like a chameleon, adapting to its surroundings without a fixed gender. This article will help you understand its various forms and uses.

How "de" Changes

"De" transforms based on the word that follows it, not because of gender. Here are some examples:

  1. de + le = du
  2. de + les = des
  3. de + la = de la
  4. de + l' = de l'
  5. d' (before vowels or silent h)
  6. de (unchanged before consonants)
  7. du (partitive article)
  8. des (plural partitive article)
  9. de (after negatives)
  10. de (after expressions of quantity)

Common Phrases with "de"

"De" appears in many everyday expressions:

  1. Une tasse de café (A cup of coffee)
  2. Un livre de français (A French book)
  3. Je viens de Paris (I'm from Paris)
  4. Il est temps de partir (It's time to leave)
  5. Beaucoup de gens (Many people)
  6. Un peu de patience (A little patience)
  7. Un verre de vin (A glass of wine)
  8. Une boîte de chocolats (A box of chocolates)
  9. Un morceau de gâteau (A piece of cake)
  10. Un groupe d'amis (A group of friends)

Uses of "de"

"De" serves various functions in French:


  • Le livre de Marie (Marie's book)
  • La voiture de mon père (My father's car)


  • Je suis de France (I'm from France)
  • Un vin de Bordeaux (A wine from Bordeaux)


  • Une table de bois (A wooden table)
  • Un collier d'or (A gold necklace)

Partitive Article

  • Je mange du pain (I eat some bread)
  • Elle boit de l'eau (She drinks some water)

After Certain Verbs

  • Je rêve de vacances (I dream of holidays)
  • Il parle de son travail (He talks about his work)

Practice Exercises

Try these exercises to test your understanding of "de":

  1. Fill in the blank: Une tasse ___ thé (A cup of tea)
  2. Translate: I come from Canada
  3. Complete: Un pull ___ laine (A wool sweater)
  4. Fill in: Beaucoup ___ amour (Lots of love)
  5. Translate: She talks about her job

Answers and Explanations

  1. Une tasse de thé (de doesn't change before consonants)
  2. Je viens du Canada (de + le = du)
  3. Un pull de laine (material)
  4. Beaucoup d'amour (d' before vowel)
  5. Elle parle de son travail (de after certain verbs)

Understanding "de" is key to French fluency. Practice these uses regularly to become more comfortable with this versatile word.

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