The Essential Role of 'Aller' in Forming the Near Future Tense

Updated on 2024-08-26

The near future tense in French is a crucial tool for expressing upcoming actions or events.

It's formed using the present tense of 'aller' followed by an infinitive verb.

This construction is simple yet powerful, allowing speakers to convey intentions and planned actions with ease.

Structure of 'Aller + Infinitive'

The basic formula for the near future tense is:

Subject + conjugated 'aller' in present tense + infinitive verb

Here are 10 examples:

  1. Je vais manger. (I'm going to eat.)
  2. Tu vas dormir. (You're going to sleep.)
  3. Il va travailler. (He's going to work.)
  4. Elle va étudier. (She's going to study.)
  5. Nous allons voyager. (We're going to travel.)
  6. Vous allez danser. (You're going to dance.)
  7. Ils vont chanter. (They're going to sing.)
  8. Elles vont lire. (They're going to read.)
  9. On va cuisiner. (We're going to cook.)
  10. Je vais me reposer. (I'm going to rest.)

Near Future vs. Simple Future

While both express future actions, the near future and simple future have distinct uses and connotations.

Near Future (Futur Proche)

  • Expresses imminent or planned actions
  • Often used for the immediate future
  • Feels more certain or definite

Simple Future (Futur Simple)

  • Used for more distant future events
  • Can express predictions or assumptions
  • Feels less certain or more formal

Examples comparing the two:

  1. Je vais acheter une voiture. (I'm going to buy a car. - Near future, implying a plan) J'achèterai une voiture. (I will buy a car. - Simple future, a general statement about the future)

  2. Nous allons partir demain. (We're going to leave tomorrow. - Near future, a set plan) Nous partirons demain. (We will leave tomorrow. - Simple future, could be a prediction)

Contexts for Using the Near Future

Travel Plans

  1. Je vais visiter Paris cet été. (I'm going to visit Paris this summer.)
  2. Nous allons prendre l'avion demain. (We're going to take the plane tomorrow.)

Daily Plans

  1. Elle va faire les courses après le travail. (She's going to do the shopping after work.)
  2. Tu vas rencontrer tes amis ce soir? (Are you going to meet your friends tonight?)


  1. Il va pleuvoir ce week-end. (It's going to rain this weekend.)
  2. L'équipe va gagner le match. (The team is going to win the match.)


  1. Je vais apprendre le chinois l'année prochaine. (I'm going to learn Chinese next year.)
  2. Ils vont déménager bientôt. (They're going to move soon.)

Immediate Future

  1. Je vais te montrer quelque chose. (I'm going to show you something.)
  2. On va commencer la réunion dans cinq minutes. (We're going to start the meeting in five minutes.)

Nuances in Future Expressions

Different future expressions can convey subtle differences in meaning:

  1. Near Future: "Je vais manger." (I'm going to eat.) - Implies an immediate or planned action.
  2. Simple Future: "Je mangerai." (I will eat.) - A more general future statement.
  3. Present Tense for Future: "Je mange demain chez mes parents." (I'm eating at my parents' tomorrow.) - Used for set plans, especially with time expressions.

Practice Exercises

  1. Translate to French using the near future: a) I'm going to call my mother. b) We're going to watch a movie tonight. c) They're going to start a new project.

  2. Rewrite these sentences using the simple future: a) Je vais finir mes devoirs ce soir. b) Nous allons déménager l'année prochaine. c) Elles vont voyager en Europe.

  3. Choose the correct form (near future or simple future): a) Je (vais partir / partirai) en vacances dans six mois. b) Il (va pleuvoir / pleuvra) demain, selon la météo. c) Nous (allons nous marier / nous marierons) la semaine prochaine.

Answers and Explanations

  1. a) Je vais appeler ma mère. b) Nous allons regarder un film ce soir. c) Ils vont commencer un nouveau projet.

  2. a) Je finirai mes devoirs ce soir. b) Nous déménagerons l'année prochaine. c) Elles voyageront en Europe.

  3. a) Je partirai - Simple future is better for a more distant future. b) Il va pleuvoir - Near future is common for weather predictions. c) Nous allons nous marier - Near future works well for set plans in the near future.

Understanding the nuances between different future expressions enhances your ability to communicate effectively in French. Practice using the near future in various contexts to make it a natural part of your French language skills.

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