The Imperative Mood of 'Aller': Giving Directions and Commands

Updated on 2024-08-26

The imperative mood in French is crucial for giving directions and commands.

When it comes to the verb 'aller' (to go), knowing how to use its imperative forms correctly can significantly improve your ability to navigate and communicate in French-speaking environments.

Understanding the Imperative Forms of 'Aller'

The imperative of 'aller' has three forms:

  • Va (tu form, singular informal)
  • Allez (vous form, plural or formal singular)
  • Allons (nous form, let's go)

These forms are used to give direct commands or instructions.

When to Use the Imperative of 'Aller'

The imperative of 'aller' is commonly used in several situations:

  1. Giving directions
  2. Encouraging someone to take action
  3. Making suggestions in a group
  4. Expressing urgency or impatience

Examples of 'Aller' in the Imperative

Here are ten examples to illustrate the use of 'aller' in the imperative:

  1. "Va à la boulangerie." (Go to the bakery.)
  2. "Allez tout droit." (Go straight ahead.)
  3. "Allons au parc." (Let's go to the park.)
  4. "Va chercher ton manteau." (Go get your coat.)
  5. "Allez voir ce film." (Go see this movie.)
  6. "Allons manger." (Let's go eat.)
  7. "Va dormir maintenant." (Go to sleep now.)
  8. "Allez à gauche au feu rouge." (Go left at the red light.)
  9. "Allons faire du shopping." (Let's go shopping.)
  10. "Va t'excuser auprès de lui." (Go apologize to him.)

Giving Directions Using 'Aller'

When giving directions, the imperative of 'aller' is often combined with other directional words and phrases. Here are some common combinations:

  • "Allez tout droit" (Go straight ahead)
  • "Va à droite" (Go right)
  • "Allez jusqu'au bout de la rue" (Go to the end of the street)
  • "Va vers le nord" (Go towards the north)
  • "Allez-y" (Go there / Go ahead)

Practical Application: Role-Play Exercises

To practice using the imperative of 'aller', try these role-play scenarios:

  1. You're giving directions to a tourist in Paris.
  2. You're a coach instructing your sports team.
  3. You're organizing a group outing with friends.

For each scenario, create at least five sentences using the imperative forms of 'aller'.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using 'tu' form in formal situations
  2. Forgetting to use 'y' when appropriate (e.g., "Vas-y" instead of "Va")
  3. Mixing up 'va' and 'vas' (the latter is only used in "vas-y")

Practice Exercises

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct imperative form of 'aller': a. ______ à la pharmacie. (tu) b. ______ visiter le musée. (vous) c. ______ faire un pique-nique. (nous)

  2. Translate these sentences into French using the imperative of 'aller': a. Go to bed early. b. Let's go to the beach. c. Go ask for help.

  3. Create three short dialogues using the imperative of 'aller' in different contexts.


Mastering the imperative forms of 'aller' is essential for effective communication in French, especially when giving directions or instructions. Regular practice in real-life situations will help you become more confident in using these forms correctly.

Answer Key

  1. a. Va, b. Allez, c. Allons
  2. a. Va au lit tôt. b. Allons à la plage. c. Va demander de l'aide.
  3. Example dialogue: A: Où est la bibliothèque ? B: Allez tout droit et tournez à gauche. A: Merci ! B: De rien. Allez-y maintenant, elle ferme bientôt !

Remember, the key to mastering the imperative of 'aller' is consistent practice and application in various contexts.

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