The Parmi-Entre Spectrum: From Intimacy to Crowds in French

Updated on 2024-08-26

Understanding the difference between "parmi" and "entre" is crucial for expressing relationships and positions in French. These two prepositions might seem similar at first glance, but they carry distinct meanings that reflect the size and nature of the groups they describe.

The Basics of "Entre"

"Entre" typically describes relationships or positions involving two to five entities. It conveys a sense of intimacy or a clearly defined, small group.

Examples of "entre" in use:

  1. Entre nous (Between us)
  2. Entre Paris et Lyon (Between Paris and Lyon)
  3. Entre amis (Among friends)
  4. Entre le marteau et l'enclume (Between a rock and a hard place)
  5. Entre 2 et 5 personnes (Between 2 and 5 people)
  6. Entre autres (Among other things)
  7. Entre chien et loup (At twilight)
  8. Entre les lignes (Between the lines)
  9. Entre-temps (Meanwhile)
  10. Entre les mains de (In the hands of)

The Scope of "Parmi"

"Parmi" is used when referring to a larger group, typically more than five entities. It suggests being part of a crowd or a less defined group.

Examples of "parmi" in use:

  1. Parmi la foule (Among the crowd)
  2. Parmi les étoiles (Among the stars)
  3. Parmi les meilleurs (Among the best)
  4. Parmi tant d'autres (Among so many others)
  5. Parmi les options (Among the options)
  6. Parmi nous (Among us)
  7. Parmi les ruines (Among the ruins)
  8. Parmi les candidats (Among the candidates)
  9. Parmi les favoris (Among the favorites)
  10. Parmi les plus beaux (Among the most beautiful)

Expressing Intimacy with "Entre"

"Entre" often implies a close relationship or a direct comparison between a few elements.


  1. Il y a de la tension entre eux. (There's tension between them.)
  2. Choisissez entre ces trois options. (Choose between these three options.)
  3. Entre vous et moi, ce n'est pas une bonne idée. (Between you and me, it's not a good idea.)
  4. La différence entre le bien et le mal. (The difference between good and evil.)
  5. Entre le rouge et le bleu, je préfère le rouge. (Between red and blue, I prefer red.)

Describing Larger Groups with "Parmi"

"Parmi" is perfect for expressing being part of a larger group or selection from many options.


  1. Il est parmi les meilleurs joueurs du monde. (He's among the best players in the world.)
  2. J'ai trouvé cette perle parmi des centaines de livres. (I found this gem among hundreds of books.)
  3. Parmi tous les candidats, elle était la plus qualifiée. (Among all the candidates, she was the most qualified.)
  4. Il se sentait seul parmi la foule. (He felt alone among the crowd.)
  5. Parmi les nombreuses raisons, celle-ci est la plus importante. (Among the many reasons, this one is the most important.)

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Many French learners struggle with choosing between "parmi" and "entre". Here are some tips to avoid common errors:

  1. If you can count the items on one hand, use "entre".
  2. For larger, less defined groups, opt for "parmi".
  3. When in doubt about the group size, "parmi" is often a safer choice.
  4. Remember that "entre" can also mean "between" in a physical sense.
  5. "Parmi" never means "between" in a physical sense.

Practice Exercises

Test your understanding with these exercises:

  1. Choose the correct preposition: a) Il est le plus grand _____ ses frères. (entre/parmi) b) _____ toutes ces fleurs, laquelle préférez-vous ? (Entre/Parmi) c) La discussion _____ les deux présidents était tendue. (entre/parmi) d) Elle a été sélectionnée _____ des milliers de candidats. (entre/parmi) e) _____ nous, il y a un traître. (Entre/Parmi)

  2. Complete the sentences: a) _____ le loup et l'agneau, la rivière coule. b) Il a trouvé l'amour _____ ses collègues de travail. c) _____ autres choses, nous avons discuté de l'avenir. d) Le choix se fait _____ trois options. e) _____ la multitude d'étoiles, une brille plus que les autres.

Answers and Explanations

  1. a) parmi (more than two brothers) b) Parmi (implies many flowers) c) entre (two presidents) d) parmi (thousands of candidates) e) Parmi (implies a group larger than a few)

  2. a) Entre (referring to two animals) b) parmi (implies many colleagues) c) Entre (fixed expression "entre autres") d) entre (three specific options) e) Parmi (multitude implies a large number)

Understanding the nuances between "parmi" and "entre" will significantly improve your French expression. Practice using these prepositions in various contexts to internalize their usage. Remember, language learning is a journey, and mastering these subtleties takes time and practice. Keep at it, and soon you'll be using "parmi" and "entre" with confidence!

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