"tu" vs "vous" in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

French learners often struggle with choosing between "tu" and "vous" when addressing someone. This distinction, absent in English, is crucial for proper etiquette in French conversations.

Basic Usage

  • "Tu" is singular and informal
  • "Vous" is plural or formal singular

When to Use "Tu"

  • With friends and family
  • Speaking to children
  • Among colleagues in casual work environments
  • In informal settings with peers

When to Use "Vous"

  • Addressing strangers or acquaintances
  • In professional settings
  • Speaking to elders or people in authority
  • Show respect or maintain distance


  1. To a friend: "Tu veux aller au cinéma?" (Do you want to go to the movies?)
  2. To a professor: "Vous avez corrigé mon devoir?" (Have you corrected my homework?)

Cultural Nuances

The choice between "tu" and "vous" can vary depending on regional customs, social context, and personal preference. When in doubt, it's safer to start with "vous" and switch to "tu" if invited to do so.

Remember, using the wrong form isn't a grave error, but mastering this distinction will greatly improve your French communication skills.

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