Understanding "Ce Que" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

French learners often struggle with the correct usage of "ce que" in sentences. This important phrase plays a crucial role in forming relative clauses and asking questions. Let's explore its meaning, usage, and provide some practical examples to help you master this essential French language element.

What is "Ce Que"?

"Ce que" is a compound relative pronoun in French that typically translates to "what" or "that which" in English. It's used to introduce a subordinate clause that acts as the direct object of the main clause.

How to Use "Ce Que"

"Ce que" is used in the following situations:

1. To Replace a Direct Object

When the relative clause refers to an idea or a statement rather than a specific noun, "ce que" is used.


  • Je ne comprends pas ce que tu dis. (I don't understand what you're saying.)

2. In Questions

"Ce que" is often used in indirect questions.


  • Sais-tu ce que nous allons faire demain? (Do you know what we're going to do tomorrow?)

3. With "Tout"

"Tout ce que" means "everything that" or "all that."


  • J'ai mangé tout ce que tu as préparé. (I ate everything that you prepared.)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Don't Confuse with "Ce Qui"

"Ce que" is used for direct objects, while "ce qui" is used for subjects.

Correct: Ce que j'aime, c'est le chocolat. (What I like is chocolate.) Incorrect: Ce qui j'aime, c'est le chocolat.

Remember the Elision

Before a vowel sound, "ce que" becomes "ce qu'."


  • Ce qu'il a dit est intéressant. (What he said is interesting.)

Practice Examples

To reinforce your understanding, try using "ce que" in these contexts:

  1. Express opinions: Ce que je pense, c'est que... (What I think is that...)
  2. Describe preferences: Ce que je préfère, c'est... (What I prefer is...)
  3. Ask about plans: Sais-tu ce que nous allons faire? (Do you know what we're going to do?)

By mastering the use of "ce que," you'll be able to express complex ideas more accurately in French. Remember to practice regularly and pay attention to its usage in French media to internalize this important language feature.

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