Use "Donc" in French

Updated on 2024-08-20

"Donc" is a versatile and commonly used word in French that typically translates to "therefore" or "so" in English. It's important for French learners to understand its usage to express logical conclusions or consequences in their speech and writing.

Basic Usage

"Donc" is primarily used to introduce a conclusion or result based on previously stated information. It can be placed at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.


  • Il pleut, donc je prends mon parapluie. (It's raining, so I'm taking my umbrella.)
  • Tu as bien étudié, donc tu réussiras l'examen. (You studied well, therefore you'll succeed in the exam.)

Position in Sentences

"Donc" is flexible in its placement:

  1. At the beginning of a sentence:

    • Donc, que fait-on maintenant ? (So, what do we do now?)
  2. After the verb:

    • Nous allons donc au cinéma ce soir. (We're therefore going to the cinema tonight.)
  3. Between the subject and verb:

    • Je donc suppose que tu es d'accord. (I therefore assume you agree.)

Other Uses

"Donc" can also be used:

  • To resume a conversation:

    • Donc, où en étions-nous ? (So, where were we?)
  • To emphasize a question:

    • Qu'en penses-tu donc ? (So what do you think about it?)
  • In mathematics to mean "equals":

    • 2 + 2 = 4, donc 4 - 2 = 2 (2 + 2 = 4, therefore 4 - 2 = 2)

Remember, while "donc" is similar to "so" in English, it's used more formally and logically in French. Practice using it in various contexts to enhance your French communication skills.

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