Use "on" in French

Updated on 2024-08-20

The French pronoun "on" is a versatile and frequently used word that can be challenging for English speakers. Let's explore its various uses and how it translates to English.

General Usage

"On" is typically used as an indefinite subject pronoun. It's similar to "one" in English, but it's much more common in everyday French.


  • On dit que Paris est la ville de l'amour. (They say Paris is the city of love.)

Replacing "We"

In informal French, "on" often replaces "nous" (we).


  • On va au cinéma ce soir. (We're going to the movies tonight.)

Expressing General Truths

"On" can be used to state general facts or truths.


  • En France, on mange du fromage. (In France, people eat cheese.)

Passive Voice Alternative

French uses "on" to avoid passive constructions that are common in English.


  • On m'a dit que tu étais malade. (I was told you were sick.)

Tips for Using "On"

  1. Always conjugate verbs following "on" in the third person singular.
  2. Use "on" to sound more natural in spoken French.
  3. Be aware that "on" can change meaning based on context.

Understanding and using "on" correctly will greatly improve your French fluency and help you sound more like a native speaker.

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