What does "n'est-ce pas" mean in English?

Updated on 2024-08-19

"N'est-ce pas" is a versatile French expression that English speakers often find intriguing. Let's explore its meaning and usage to help you incorporate it into your French conversations naturally.

Meaning and Translation

"N'est-ce pas" literally translates to "is it not" in English. However, its usage is more nuanced and can be equated to several English expressions depending on the context:

  • "Isn't it?"
  • "Right?"
  • "Don't you think?"
  • "Wouldn't you agree?"

Usage in Conversation

French speakers use "n'est-ce pas" at the end of statements to seek confirmation or agreement from the listener. It's similar to how English speakers might use tag questions.


  • "Il fait beau aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?" (It's nice weather today, isn't it?)
  • "Vous aimez le café, n'est-ce pas?" (You like coffee, don't you?)

Informal Alternatives

In casual speech, French speakers often shorten "n'est-ce pas" to:

  • "Non?"
  • "Hein?"

These alternatives are very informal and should be used cautiously in professional settings.

Tips for English Speakers

When using "n'est-ce pas," remember:

  1. It doesn't change form regardless of the subject or tense of the main clause.
  2. It's generally pronounced as a single unit: "ness-pah."
  3. Use it sparingly in formal writing, as it's more common in spoken French.

By understanding and using "n'est-ce pas," you'll add a touch of authenticity to your French conversations and show a deeper grasp of the language's nuances.

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