What is the Participe Présent in French?

Updated on 2024-08-17

The participe présent is an important verb form in French that can be tricky for English speakers. Let's break down what it is, how to form it, and when to use it.

Formation of the Participe Présent

To form the participe présent:

  1. Take the first-person plural (nous) form of the present tense
  2. Remove the -ons ending
  3. Add -ant

For example:

  • parler (to speak) → nous parlons → parl + ant = parlant
  • finir (to finish) → nous finissons → finiss + ant = finissant
  • vendre (to sell) → nous vendons → vend + ant = vendant

Usage in Sentences

The participe présent is used:

As an Adjective

It can describe a noun, agreeing in gender and number:

  • Une histoire passionnante (An exciting story)
  • Des enfants obéissants (Obedient children)

To Express Cause or Condition

  • Ayant fini ses devoirs, elle est sortie. (Having finished her homework, she went out.)

In Some Fixed Expressions

  • Ce faisant (In doing so)
  • Ceci étant dit (That being said)

Participe Présent vs. Gérondif

Don't confuse the participe présent with the gérondif. The gérondif is formed by adding "en" before the participe présent:

  • Participe présent: marchant (walking)
  • Gérondif: en marchant (while walking)

The gérondif expresses simultaneity or means, while the participe présent often shows cause or describes a state.

Common Irregular Forms

Some verbs have irregular participe présent forms:

  • être → étant
  • avoir → ayant
  • savoir → sachant

Remember, the participe présent is invariable when used as a verb but agrees as an adjective. Practice using it in context to master this versatile French verb form.

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