When to Use "En" and "Y" in French

Updated on 2024-08-17

The French pronouns "en" and "y" can be tricky for English speakers. Let's break down their uses and provide some examples to help you understand when to use each.

"En" in French

"En" is used to replace phrases beginning with "de" or expressions of quantity.

Replacing "de" phrases

  • Je parle de mon travail. → J'en parle. (I'm talking about my work. → I'm talking about it.)

Expressing quantity

  • J'ai trois chats. → J'en ai trois. (I have three cats. → I have three of them.)

"Y" in French

"Y" generally replaces phrases indicating location or referring to a previously mentioned idea.

Replacing location phrases

  • Je vais à Paris. → J'y vais. (I'm going to Paris. → I'm going there.)

Referring to an idea

  • Tu penses à ce problème ? → Oui, j'y pense. (Are you thinking about this problem? → Yes, I'm thinking about it.)

Key Differences

  • Use "en" for "de" phrases and quantities.
  • Use "y" for locations and previously mentioned ideas.

Remember, both "en" and "y" usually come before the verb in a sentence, except in the imperative form.

Practice using these pronouns in your French conversations to sound more natural and fluent!

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