When to use tu vs vous in French

Updated on 2024-08-12

Choosing between "tu" and "vous" in French can be tricky for English speakers. These pronouns both mean "you," but they're used in different situations.

Informal "Tu"

Use "tu" for:

  • Friends and family
  • Children
  • Pets
  • God (in prayers)

Example: "Tu veux aller au cinéma?" (Do you want to go to the movies?)

Formal "Vous"

Use "vous" for:

  • Strangers
  • Elders
  • Superiors at work
  • Groups (plural "you")

Example: "Voulez-vous un café?" (Would you like a coffee?)

Tips for Choosing

  • When in doubt, start with "vous"
  • Listen to how others address you
  • It's okay to ask, "On peut se tutoyer?" (Can we use "tu"?)

Remember, using the wrong form isn't a grave error, but using the right one shows respect and cultural awareness.

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