Where's the Accent? A Guide to French Diacritical Marks

Updated on 2024-08-26

French accents can be tricky for language learners. They're not just decorative - they change pronunciation and meaning. This guide will help you understand and use French accents correctly.

Types of French Accents

French has five main diacritical marks:

  1. Acute accent (accent aigu): é
  2. Grave accent (accent grave): è, à, ù
  3. Circumflex (accent circonflexe): â, ê, î, ô, û
  4. Cedilla (cédille): ç
  5. Diaeresis (tréma): ë, ï, ü

Each serves a specific purpose in French orthography and pronunciation.

The Grave Accent in "où"

The word "où" (where) always carries a grave accent. This accent distinguishes it from "ou" (or), preventing confusion.

Examples of "où" in use:

  1. Où est la gare ? (Where is the train station?)
  2. Je ne sais pas où il habite. (I don't know where he lives.)
  3. Où as-tu mis mes clés ? (Where did you put my keys?)
  4. D'où viens-tu ? (Where do you come from?)
  5. Où allons-nous ? (Where are we going?)
  6. Par où faut-il passer ? (Which way should we go?)
  7. Jusqu'où va cette route ? (How far does this road go?)
  8. Où en sommes-nous ? (Where are we at?)
  9. C'est là où nous nous sommes rencontrés. (That's where we met.)
  10. N'importe où, pourvu que ce soit loin d'ici. (Anywhere, as long as it's far from here.)

Other Words with Similar Accents

The grave accent appears on other French words too:

  1. à (to, at)
  2. là (there)
  3. déjà (already)
  4. voilà (there is/are)
  5. après (after)
  6. très (very)
  7. près (near)
  8. progrès (progress)
  9. procès (trial)
  10. succès (success)

Importance of Accents in French

Accents in French are crucial for several reasons:

  1. They change pronunciation
  2. They distinguish between words (e.g., ou vs. où)
  3. They indicate verb tenses (e.g., parlé vs. parle)
  4. They show word origin (e.g., hôpital from Latin hospitale)

Omitting or misplacing accents can lead to misunderstandings or errors in written French.

Typing Accents on Various Devices

On Windows:

  1. Use Alt codes (e.g., Alt + 0232 for è)
  2. Use the US International Keyboard layout
  3. Use Character Map utility

On Mac:

  1. Hold the letter key to see accent options
  2. Use Option key combinations (e.g., Option + ` then e for è)

On iOS and Android:

  1. Hold the letter key to see accent options


  1. Use websites like TypeIt.org or French.typeit.org

Common Mistakes with French Accents

  1. Confusing é and è
  2. Forgetting the accent on à (to/at)
  3. Misplacing accents on capital letters
  4. Omitting accents in typed documents
  5. Using the wrong accent type

Practice Exercises

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct accented letter:

    • O_ vas-tu ? (Where are you going?)
    • Il habite _ Paris. (He lives in Paris.)
    • C'est tr_s difficile. (It's very difficult.)
  2. Identify the correct word:

    • Je ne sais pas [ou/où] il est.
    • [A/À] bientôt !
    • C'est [la/là] que j'habite.
  3. Type these sentences with correct accents:

    • Ou est-ce que tu as mis le gateau ?
    • J'ai deja fini mes devoirs.
    • Le musee est pres d'ici.


Understanding and correctly using French accents is essential for clear communication in written French. Regular practice and attention to detail will help you master this aspect of the language.

Remember, the grave accent on "où" is particularly important as it changes the meaning of the word entirely. Always double-check your accents when writing in French to ensure clarity and correctness.

Answers to Practice Exercises

  1. Fill in the blanks:

    • Où vas-tu ?
    • Il habite à Paris.
    • C'est très difficile.
  2. Identify the correct word:

    • Je ne sais pas où il est.
    • À bientôt !
    • C'est là que j'habite.
  3. Correctly accented sentences:

    • Où est-ce que tu as mis le gâteau ?
    • J'ai déjà fini mes devoirs.
    • Le musée est près d'ici.

Keep practicing, and soon using French accents will become second nature!

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